Showing posts with label how to websites/blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to websites/blogs. Show all posts

How to earn money by blog or blogging

How to earn money by blog or blogging

First of all you have to create a blog and post few great articles in this after that you may try to get approved by info-links and earn a lot by that...

Earn money by infolinks and free sign up

welcome to how to earn today we are going to learn something about how do we can earn money for make blog in this site Internet but today we are going to telling you something about how we can earn money through blogging in this 21st century everyone is technical and Internet based and everyone which to earn money through Internet for making money is not so easy from Internet but its not so tough for making money through Internet because blogging is the biggest platform for making money from Internet for the following week to let you know something about blog blog haha a platform Lite website which shares information in the word for fennel views about anything if we are interested in anything we always try to
describe and tell something about anything so if we want to cut make money through blogging then we have to write reviews content on the blog and after that we have to do it in is known as Advertising and Marketing of the things along with that in today's matches today is era selling and purchasing is also become a popular running method but today we are going to letting you in this cost about how we can earn money through blogs why are advertisements you all know about advertisements Saturday we are directly going to telling you that how you can make money to your blog for that you have to change a nice theme of your blog and after that you have to choose a nice topic after that start writing about your topic and grab peoples to your blog and then you may use any website advertisement provider like Google AdSense like infolinks pencil on providing this type of income sources so if you wish to make money to your blog you have to write something about your topic and then you may make money by that if you wish to sign up for any website website below we are providing few links you may try to use that thank you for being with us how to answer is always with you for making you know about every type of husband how to and after today don't ask anyone how to do what to do because you are with her son

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How to bookmark any website in google chrome

How to bookmark any website in google chrome

Most of internet surfer always keep surfing new website with the help of searching engine like Google, yahoo, bing etc. but when they find any great website according to their choice but keeping them all websites in their mind is not so easy that's why they bookmark them but many of us don't know that shortcut for bookmarking any website so today we are going to share a little information on that how we can bookmark any website in google chrome?
So keep reading this short article which is going to letting you know that how you can book-mark any website without doing so much task in very easy step so follow the instruction which are given below.

How to bookmark any website?:-

First of all we wanna let you know that why we bookmarks any website?
Websites are bookmarked only for keeping it in our browsers mind and when we wan't to visit this website which we have bookmarked we can easily visit the website from the bookmark bar so now know how you can book mark any website?

First of all visit in the website which you wanna bookmark and after that you may use following options for bookmarking this website manually and if you wanna directly bookmark this website you may directly press Ctrl+D
How to bookmark any website in google chrome

 Use Ctrl+D and bookmark any website

And if you not able to book mark this way you may use this long process optional way you may follow the pictures which are given below...

First of all visit to the website after that Click on menu bar button as shown in the picture above...

After that move to Bookmarks as you are seeing in the picture above...


When you drag your mouse pointer on bookmarks you will see a new tab also in that form that you have to choose bookmark this page and after that clicking on the option you will see a successful message and you will be bookmarked for this website....

Follow the steps carefully for bookmark any website and after today don't ask anyone that how i can bookmark any website?

Yeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhooooooooo! We have done!
Today you have learnt that how to bookmark any website? if you are getting difficulty in doing this or wan't to know anything else you may ask us in the comment box which is given below.
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How to embed google maps in website iframe tutorial

How to embed google maps in website iframe tutorial

Embed google maps for website | add google maps in website contact page | embed location map

As we all know that website is a live preforming thing of the world. Now these day's are of google plus and google maps. As Contact details are important for a website same way Google map also important for increase search performance of a website so today we are going to present a tutorial on how to add or embed google maps for a website in iframe.
now keep reading this post of adding google maps in your web.
Below this line we are going to present a live embedded map for you..

Locate or search your place in google maps:-

First of all search your address/place which you wanna embed and if you able to find the place then follow the steps which are given below for find your map you have to visit to as shown in the picture above...

Find the place by there name:-

In Second step after visiting the google maps search your place in the search box as described in the picture above where we have searched our own website's office... after searching you will find your desired search result as above picture we are seeing howtoans ' s official address
If you won't able to find your place then you have to add your place before that and it takes few time near about 1 day to 30 days. if you don't know that how you can add your house /  home / office / school etc. google maps then follow How to add any place in google maps?

How to embed or share google maps:-

After completing above steps you have to click on the gear icon (setting button) in the right hand down side as shown in the picture above and after that click on share or embed map.

Embed code of google maps:-

When you click on share or embed map you will see a new pop up window in front of you from that you have to click on Embed map option for embed the map if you wanna share the map you can share with the help of share link.... as described in the above picture..

Embed code of a google map:-

When you click on embed map option you will see a code in the line and there you will see size also you may choose according to your need after that copy the code which is show infront of size copy that and paste on any live page of your website where you wanna show the map...
for more help please see the picture carefully...

we have completed! we have embed our google maps and after that you can show your google maps.

After today don't ask any one that How to embed google maps in website iframe? , Even that if you have any other question regarding this or any other you may ask us in the box given below and you may tell your other tricks regarding this tutorial...
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How to buy domain name for website

How to buy domain name for website?

As we all know that now we are living a life of fully Internet Life and in this buying a domain for company or person became'd a popular stuff, If anyone is little bit famous in their are he/she wanna buy a domain, same way if anyone has a organization like institute , company , Educational group or so on... 99% of these which are mentioned above wanna buy a domain for their own. So today we are going to letting you know that How to buy domain name for website?

For buying a domain for a website not so hard and you don't have to do any type of hard work but keep in mind that you have to be secure for make safe your domain and it's control penal. now keep learning that How to buy domain name for website? read step by step how to guide for buying a domain...

Domain selling companies:-

In the process of buying a domain name for website we have to keep in mind that which website or company provides us cheap domain name and which provides safe domain name so first of all search for that according to our experts their are thousands of domain name providing websites but we prefer to few domain selling companies which are given below...

Godaddy- Godaddy is a great company for buying a domain name.

BigRock- BigRock is also a great company for buying a domain name.

Hosting Raja- Hosting Raja is also a great company for buying a domain name.

Above we have mentioned few great websites which provides you very secure server for domains and easy to buy...

How to search a domain name for website:-

So after choosing a domain name providing website we have to search for relevant website domain name according to your choice...
as shown in the picture below...

Choose a domain name from search results:-

After searching domain name you will see many results related to your search you may choose from them according to your desired name...

How to choose extension:-

When you search for a domain name keep it in mind that you should mostly buy a top level domain like
don't try to buy a domain with other extension's.

Domain name registration:-

After searching a domain name we have to fill information about us and after doing that we can buy a domain..

as shown in the picture below...

Make payment:-

Last step in How to buy domain name for website? is that we have to make payment of our domain by net-banking or credit card etc...

We have done! today we have learnt that how we can buy a domain name for website? after reading this article don't ask anyone that how i can buy a domain name for website?...
and be with us on How To Ans and don't worry about how to do...
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