Showing posts with label how to on Mobile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to on Mobile. Show all posts

How to buy mobile on emi without credit card

How to buy mobile on emi without credit card

How to buy mobile phone online? | how to buy new mobile phone on emi | emi without credit card

As of asked by our many visitors that how to buy anything on emi without having a credit card?
This question is very asked by many peoples and everyone wish to buy these type of products and wan't enjoy their live in installments but we just want to let you know that this is not very easy to buy any mobile without credit card?
because credit card is your account as a card and in this your valuable card get attached with that and When you buy anything with credit card in installments that means that your credit card saved into their server and banks had made it as a security because credit card work until the half of the main Fixed deposit or go in to minus if account on salary base's.
In today's we just only wanna let you know that their is no way to buy online product without having a credit card...

In this condition you have to pay full money of product if you don't have credit card...

And if you wish to know that how to get a credit card then you can read out our linked post.
our simple way is to say is that their is now way to buy anything on emi without credit card till now in further if anything will be possible then we will try to help you in this kind of task....
So till now keep reading our other great posts and stay tuned with us at howto ans and keep enjoying this great platform of how to tutorials if you wish to ask any question of how to ans you may freely ask it in our contact form or ask question section of this website...

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooo! We have Learnt!
Which was very important for us to know if you have any question regarding this or you wan't to ask any other thing you may ask us in the box given below...
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How to take screen shot in Xiaomi mi android smart mobile phone

How to take screen shot in Xiaomi mi android smart mobile phone

for take screen shot in xiaomi mobile phones press volume down key and phone lock key at a single time....
your screen shot will be taken...

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How to check manufacturing date of your Nokia mobile

How to check manufacturing date of your Nokia mobile

As of records The oldest most selling mobile company is nokia and if any one has bought a mobile if he/she wants to know their manufacturing date then how they can know their nokia mobiles manufacturing date?

Nokia mobile is very great mobile for every type of people and most liked by the people...
as it's requirement Nokia is greatest mobile manufacturing company.

When we buy any second hand mobile or first hand we always wish to know that what is manufacturing date of this mobile so Nokia company has already set a code for that for their mobile handsets..
Our many friends asked us that how we can know manufacturing date of nokia mobile / how do i know manufacturing date of nokia mobile....

so today we have decided to let you know that how you can know that what is the manufacturing date of your Nokia mobile for know it's creation date follow the instruction which are given below...
First of all knowing a nokia mobiles creation date is not very hard as you think...
it's very Easter work in the mobile that we will act now...
for know that you have to just type the code in your mobile when your mobile is unlocked...
the code which you have to use is given below...


when you type this code correctly you will see a new message on screen in that you will see the manufacturing date of your nokia mobile...

many others codes for that also we have published you may find them out few are like that..

Yyyyeeeeiiiieeeehhhhhhooooooo! We have done!
Today you have learnt that how to know manufacturing date of your nokia mobile? if you are getting difficulty in doing this task or wan't to know anything else you may ask us in the comment box which is given below. and enjoy How to ans with tag line don't worry about how to do?
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How to know IMEI Number of any mobile

How to know IMEI No of any mobile

As we faced many problems in china mobile that they don't have IMEI no. (Number) on their mobile handsets and that's why Indian government was stopped every Sim service on these type of mobile's which were without IMEI number and Without registration for stopping crime and miss use of these mobile phone because these IMEI Registered mobile handsets used for tracking the mobile phone when their sim has been changed same way if they are without IMEI number they can't be traced and they increases Crime and helps in doing any miss use of Mobil-ling. So Government asked for these IMEI numbers which are important for many tasks...

But now these IMEI numbers are very important for self tracking and for starting Save your mobile from Stolen or lost so today's matter is that how we can check or know our mobile's IMEI Number?

So keep reading this article and know that how you can check your mobiles IMEI no.?

This article we are writing only for help you in finding IMEI number because many one asking from us that how i can know my Mobiles IMEI number? I do i check IMEI number of my mobile? etc.

So friends don't worry about that now near about 99.99% mobiles are registred and with IMEI number so now we are going to providing you a code with that you can check your Mobiles IMEI number.

Just Type on your mobile below code and see what happend this code is for know your IMEI number.


Yyyyeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhooooooooo! We have done!
Today you have learnt that how to know IMEI number in any mobile? if you are getting difficulty in doing this or wan't to know anything else you may ask us in the comment box which is given below.
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How to change gprs setting in samsung mobile with code

How to change gprs setting in samsung mobile with code



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How to soft reset your Nokia mobile

How to soft reset your Nokia mobile



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How to check warranty of your Nokia mobile by secrete code

How to check warranty of your Nokia mobile by secrete code


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How to see private no in Nokia mobile code

How to see private no in Nokia mobile code

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How to rotate screen in Nokia 1600 Mobile with secrete code

How to rotate screen in Nokia 1600 Mobile with secrete code


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How to know security code of Nokia Mobile

How to know security code of Nokia Mobile


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How to activate call waiting in Nokia mobile with secrete code

How to activate call waiting in Nokia mobile with secrete code

*43# for activation call waiting
#43# for deactivate call waiting

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How to on nokia mobile Bluetooth with secrete code

How to on nokia mobile Bluetooth with secrete code


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How to delete gprs setting in nokia mobile phone with the help of secrate code

How to delete gprs setting in nokia mobile phone with the help of secrate code

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How to Restore Nokia mobile phone with code

How to Restore Nokia mobile phone with code


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How to open sim service table in Samsung Mobile

How to open sim service table in Samsung Mobile


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How to See battery status in Samsung Mobile

How to See battery status in Samsung Mobile


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How to disable flash message or screen message in Airtel sim card

How to disable flash message or screen message in Airtel sim card?

When we buy new sim card or change mobile phone we always see many type of screen or flash messages on our screen…
I think many time you have been faced many screen message when you unlock your mobile phone , Switch on your mobile phone or when you call anywhere. In this you always see many information regarding new service to subscribe and when you click on ok or yes. Then after few minutes service will activated on your mobile phone. After that you start asking to anyone in your family and friends that have they used your phone? But they keep reply that why i use your mobile and then we think that why my balance has been deducted? We wan’t to let you know that it has been deducted by company because you subscribed a service by flash message but we always worry about that how I can disable screen message or flash message service from my mobile so today we are going to letting you know that how you can disable this service from your Airtel mobile.

How to disable flash message or screen message from Airtel mobile?

If you wan't to disable this service and stop getting flash message or screen message you don't have to do much more you have to do.

Use Airtel services option:-


First of all visit to your Airtel services function which may know sim services. (Keep in mind that before clicking anywhere you may charged if you click any other where)


when you visit in the sim services function click on flash options from them and then click on Activation and then click on Deactivate.


After that when you click on FLASH options you will see a new tab and you will see a option with Activation as shown in the picture above.


When you click on Activation button you will see few new options from them you have to click on deactivate as described in the picture above.

Confirm Deactivation:-

When you click on Deactivate you will be asked for confirm you have to confirm them after that you won't see any type of flash or screen described in the picture above


When you click on Ok button you will see a message with Sending... or Sending a message if you successfully able to deactivate you won't get any error message and you won't see any flash message after that...

Yeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhooooooooo! We have done!
Yes now we have been described from flash service if you are getting difficulty in doing this or wan't to know anything else you may ask us in the comment box which is given below.
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How to set wallpaper in android mobile phone

How to set wallpaper in android mobile phone?

Today, we are telling you How to set wallpaper in android mobile phone? As we know that mobile is very important in our life. But the android set are most important in these days. We can learn more things by the android set. Because such as the technology are improving we can learn it by android set. The Every person can't purchase computer,laptop etc. but most of all purchase a android set. Because it very less expensive than these electronic devices. We can improve our knowledge via android mobile phone. Which person have android mobile phone he or she never feel alone their self. Because in android phone every facilities are providing to user. But in old phone it not provide such as we can change wallpaper in android set but it don't in simple set. We can do more changes in android set but today we are telling you How to set wallpaper in android mobile phone? We can set wallpaper according to our choice by these our set are looking very nice.
We will tell you some steps by these you can change the wallpaper in set according to our choice:-
We can set two types wallpaper:-
In-built wallpaper:- Live and Normal wallpaper.
And according to our choice (which are store by self)

We will discuss In-built wallpaper:-Live wallpaper and Normal wallpaper

We can set two different wallpaper or same wallpaper on screen:-
1. When our mobile phone is locked (LOCK SCREEN).
2. When our mobile phone is unlocked (HOME SCREEN).
3. Both are same
Firstly, we will discuss How to set wallpaper on "HOME SCREEN" AND "LOCK SCREEN"  

How to set wallpaper on "HOME SCREEN "AND "LOCK SCREEN".    

Unlock your phone (Step first):-

First of all unlock your mobile phone which is very important for setting a wallpaper. Because without unlock of mobile phone we can't do anything. When we will unlock our mobile phone then the mobile phone do work. Because the meaning of lock is LOCK OF ALL FUNCTION.  

Open "Settings" (Step second):-

After unlock our mobile phone, we will open settings menu.In which we will see many function. We want to change home wallpaper of mobile screen. 

Click on "Display" (Step third):-

We will see many function in settings but we will click on "Display" for set wallpaper. The wallpaper are display on our home screen.

Click on "Wallpaper" (Step forth):-

After click on display, we will see many functions but we will click on wallpaper. When we click on wallpaper then it show the "HOME SCREEN", "LOCK SCREEN" AND "LIVE WALLPAPER" we will select one under of three.
If we want to set home wallpaper then click on "HOME SCREEN".
And after that we will click on local. We will see the in-built wallpaper.
We will select the wanted wallpaper and click on apply then mobile show the applied it means our wallpaper are apply on home screen.      
If we want to set lock wallpaper then click on "LOCK SCREEN".
And after that we will click on local. We will see the in-built wallpaper.
We will select the wanted wallpaper and click on apply then mobile show the applied it means our wallpaper are apply on lock screen.
If we want to set live wallpaper then click on "LIVE SCREEN".
And after that we will click SCREEN. We will see the in-built live wallpaper.
We will select the wanted wallpaper and click on that wallpaper it means our wallpaper are apply on screen. 

How to set according to our choice wallpaper (which are store by self):-

In this topic we are telling you How to set according to our choice wallpaper? In the in built wallpaper we have to select the given wallpaper but in this we can set our choice wallpaper i.e any pic any scene that is captured by camera. its setting are very simple. We will tell you few steps by these you can set wallpaper according to your choice. We can set different type wallpaper:-  
1. When our mobile phone is locked (LOCK SCREEN).
2. When our mobile phone is unlocked (HOME SCREEN).
3. Both are same

Unlock your phone (Step first):-

For this, we will also unlock our mobile phone. After that we will see some menus and click on "GALLERY".

Click on "Gallery"(Step second):-

When we will click on gallery then the gallery are opened and show the more pic. which is captured by camera.

Select a pic (Step third):-

We will see more pic in gallery and select a pic that we want to set on wallpaper.

Click on pic (Step forth):-

We will click on pic then our pic are shown alone and after then we will click on the large pic then we will see few function.

Click on "More" or wallpaper (Step fifth):-

After click on pic if you are see wallpaper then click on wallpaper and if you not see then click on "More".

Click on "Set as wallpaper" (Step sixth):-

After the click on more, we will see the some function in which a function is set as wallpaper then we click on set as wallpaper. After that we will crop the pic. and save it.
FOR "LOCK SCREEN":- If we want to set as only for lock screen then click on lock screen which is shown the above of the selected pic after click on set as the wallpaper.
FOR "HOME SCREEN":- If we want to set as only for home screen then click on home screen which is shown the above of the selected pic after click on set as the wallpaper. But the mobile are in-built set on home screen.
"SET FOR BOTH":- If we want to set same pic for lock screen and home screen then click on both screen which is shown the above of the selected pic after click on set as the wallpaper. 

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to set wallpaper in android mobile phone? and if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask, you can ask us in the box given below..

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How to Activate DND?

How to Activate Do Not Disturb service? (D.N.D.)

In Present time every one is busy with their tasks and keep moving on their way but now every one keeping social media and mobile with their self and these type of things time by time disturb us so when any promotional call come from any company or any message come from any company we have to check our mobile that any urgent work is their for us or anything else and when we check our mobile or other device we have to stop our work for several minutes and this way we loss our Golden time in checking unwanted calls and message so today we are here with Do Not Disturb service which is specially created for us that if we don't want to get any type of promotional message and calls we can deactivate a service and after that in future we won't get any type of promotional call or message from any company and in disturbing us most of Mobile operators company in on first step they make near about 10 or more than that message and calls in a single day and for attending their call and message we have to stop our work. These type of disturbance can be removed from our life so keep reading this and know how you can activate DND service and How you can stop promotional message and calls which are made by companies...
How to Activate Do Not Disturb service?

Do Not Disturb:-

First of all what is D.N.D. (Do Not Disturb) Service? D.N.D. is a very great facility which is provided by TRI and this is created specially for Be disturbances free...
In this if we get activate DND service after few days we will be free from promotional calls and messages which are made by companies so DND stands for Do Not Disturb...

How to activate DND Service:-

As you know that today we are here only for let you know that how you can Activate Do Not Disturb service... (We are wring this article on the basis of question which are asked by our member's which are like that how i can activate do not disturb service, How i can stop promotional calls)

How to start DND:-

If you are bothered by other promotioanl message by companies and calls also now you are just a step back from beening free these type of disturbers now just Take your cell phone and type in message writing:-


And send this message at 1909...
If you can't message at this number you may call on the 1909 same number and follow the instruction...
yes now you will get a success message that you are now disturbance free and after that you won't get any message from any of company and calls also...


If you wanna more information regarding that you may sms


for help on starting this service and


for help on stopping this service....

and foreword these messages to same 1909 and enjoy...

we have completed the work after today don't ask any one that How to Activate DND?
Even that if you have any other question regarding this or any other you may ask us in the box given below and you may tell your other trick regarding about tutorial...
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How to keep safe your mobile?

How to keep safe your mobile?

As we know that, now mobile is very important in everyone's live and if we forgot or lost our mobile we always feel that we are alive but soul is near about died. As it's important to us that it should be always with us.

Today, we are not talking about importance of mobile in our life. We are discussing about safety of mobile and how we can keep safe our mobile? So now, Forget everything about importance of a mobile

Keep far from water:-

As we all know that electronic devices and water both are anti and enemy of each-other so keep it in mind that if you wan't to be safe with your mobile or wanna safe your mobile then keep it very far from water.

Don't feed your mobile:-

Now near about all mobiles comes with torch because it's very useful for us but when we do any work we on our torch and put our mobile in our mouth and it's very harmful for it so don't do that and keep safe your mobile.

Keep far from children:-

As we know that children are very cute and very soft with it they very innocent. If we keep mobile in their hands or near by them they can throw it, accidentally drop down from their hands rather then ultra magnetic rays of mobile are also very harmful. So keep your mobile and child safe and far.

Never make it catching ball:-

Many times it has been noticed that many person throw their mobile in the sky and catch it again, in this condition many time it happened that mobile catches by the floor, Yes i mean to say is that catcher miss the catch and most of time our lovely mobile loss the match...ahahahahha.
So don't try to become good catcher with your mobile and keep safe your mobile.

Don't keep it in pocket with very tight Jeans:-

Many time our mobiles become out of order because of jeans tightness. Because if our jeans is very tight and we keep our mobile in it's pocket than it is very harmful so keep your mobile safely in this condition also.

Attach and un-attach carefully:-

When you attach usb cable or charger please do this carefully because if you push it without setting properly it's jaqe may be damaged and might your handset. keep it in mind when you un-attach nay charger or usb cable also.

Using cover for your mobile:-

Never forget to use Cover to your mobile because it makes our mobile dust free which is very important for increasing live of any mobile even electronic devices.

Never overcharge:-

When you put your mobile on charging keep in mind that when it charged fully unplug it because if you keep your mobile in charging it may be very harmful for us. Keep it in mind and increase safety of our mobile.

Use according to capacity:-

As every one know that if we have more then our capacity what will happened with us?
So if our mobiles battery is low and it shut down in this condition we on it and use it, when it again shut down we again on it, It is out of it's capacity so us according to it's capacity.

Never use withing charging:-

When your mobile in charging don't us it because it is also against the safety uses of mobile.

Re-set Time to Time:-

If you get any type of error in your mobile, in this condition backup your mobile and try to re-set it is very good for a mobiles health.

Don't keep under bed-sheets:-

This is also very important to keep in mind that never keep your mobile under the pillow or bed sheet because anyone can sit on it.

Always use original accessories:-

If you love your mobile and keep it always with you and fine, So don't forget that if you have to change battery , charger or any other thing always replace it with original and branded.

Shut down before ejecting:-

When you wan't to remove or eject anything of your mobile like sim card, memory card (SD Card) and battery in this condition before removing or ejecting any thing set of your mobile and then do what you wan't to do.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo! We have Learnt!
Which was very important for our mobile and it's safety so keep in mind these points and if you have any question regarding this or you wan't to ask any other thing you may ask us in the box given below...

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