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Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

How to typing in hindi

How to type in hindi

How to type in hindi | How i can type in hindi | How to typing in hindi | Typing in hindi | How to type in hindi using english keyboard | online typing in hindi using english keyboard | offline typing in hindi using english keyboard | How to type in hindi in any software   

Hello friends, Welcome to the and today we will discuss about how to type in hindi. Friends many times we need to type in hindi but when we try then it become a big problem that how to type in hindi . Because typing in hindi using english keyboard is very tough task. Some people can know type in hindi using english keyboard . In mobile it is very easy because in mobile we have setting option in which two or more type language if you want to your mobile in hindi language then choose hindi language in setting option as you required . By default our mobile , PC and laptop in english language . Pc and laptop have different type option  as compare to mobile . If you want to type a latter in hindi or any other work want to done in hindi then you have to type your work at Pc and laptop but How to do this. You can't do this work in mobile . So friends, Today we will tell you that How to type in hindi at your Pc and laptop . Type in hindi means, if you are typing in hindi and write a word ram then it  will show राम . You can this typing  in both offline and online . For this typing you can't required internet connection . You can do this typing without internet . If you want to typing in any other language except Hindi and English then you can also do this. In this post we will describe this concept . So friends we will tell you some step , you take up follow this step and learnt how to type in hindi .          

1. Visit google input tool in browser :-

First of all , you have to visit google input tool in your browser .When you will visit google input tool then you must have internet connection . But after done these given step, When you will typing then you don't have required internet connection . When you will visit in your browser then a new page will be open . As shown in picture :

2. Click on On windows :-

As you will visit google input tool in your browser then in your front a new page will be open and in new page you will see many option. But you are click on On windows given in right side . It means you want to this option on window . By this you can type on window without internet connection . As you will click on On windows then in your front a new page will be open . As shown in picture :

3. Choose your language :-

Now , In your front which page has been open . In which , in right side you will see a option " Choose your language ." From in this option , you should choose hindi language , If you want to typing in hindi language . If you want to type in other language then those language also choose in this option . In this page , given below a option ' i agree ' you should tic this option . As shown in picture :

4. Click on Download :-

After choose your language , Given a option of ' Download ' on that page . you have to click on this option . As you will click on this option then your choose language will be start download . As you will click on Download option then a new page will be open . As shown in picture :

5. Click on Run :-

Now , That page be open , you have to click on ' Run ' option in that page . And after that you have to click on yes option for installing your choose language . Now your language will be install .In your front , a message will be show that installation completed . As shown in picture :

6. Click on Close :-

Now, In installation completed page , You have to click on Close option  . As shown in picture :

So , friends now your language is completely come in your Pc and laptop . Now, If you want to type in hindi or in other language , that language you did install in your pc or laptop, you can type . If you want to online typing then open and you can start typing in your installed language and if you want to offline typing in your pc then open any software in your pc or laptop and you can start typing . Let you are typing in your pc or laptop . You want to type in installed new language . If you write ram then it shown in screen ram because still your work has not completed .                      

7. Click on Toolbar icon EN and choose your language / Press shift and alt simultaneously :-

So friends , now your language has been installed in your pc or laptop but do not change your defalt language in your installed language . So , now we will tell you How to change your by default language in your installed language .
So , Friends first of all, You have to visit your pc or laptop toolbar icon . In right side on toolbar icon first of all given a icon EN . It means english , means now your Pc or laptop in this language because by default our pc and laptop in english language . So, for change language , you have to click on EN option .  Here show all language which installed in your pc or laptop . You have to select your language in which language you want to typing . Let consider you want to type in hindi then you have to select hindi language from EN icon . After select your download language, you will start typing in hindi language . If you write ram in google or any software then below show राम in hindi language . You can also do this work in short form . You can change language in your pc and laptop by simultaneously press shift+alt . As you will press shift+alt simultaneously your language will be change in other language that other language installed in your pc and laptop . If you are typing in hindi and in middle any word which is in english then for type this word you need not go on EN icon . You can do this by shift+ait press simultaneously .      

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How to mark CL in Govt Aadhar based Attendance system bio metric

How to fill CL in Govt Attendance system of India
How to do | How to mark Casual Leave in Bio metric attendance system | online attendance | thumb mark attendance | How to mark CL in Govt Aadhar based Attendance system bio-metric

As all of us know that now after starting aadhar system Government keeping a technical eye on everyone and with that Government has found many type of fake methods of creating or filling there own pocket , which are only caught only by technically things....
Very great technical thing of India is Aadhar card....
Let it all go and keep move on our main topic....
As we all know that before few time Every type of Government works were going on a huge speed and most speedy work was Attaching aadhar card to Bank , Attaching aadhar card to Voter id card , aadhar card linking to Gas connection and so on do you know why that all because of making everything in one eye and sparing India from thieves of there own country....

On that all Indian Government started keeping an open eye on Government employees and started ABAS ( Aadhar Based Attendance System ) which is in everyone popular with the name of Bio metrics or with Online attendance system etc...
Today we are talking about that how a Government employee can mark CL or Fill CL (Casual Leave ) ? No doubt that everyone can't mark there CL (Casual Leave) Because everyone is not very familiar with Internet and Technical services but Govt says that start learning such things and do every work at yourself and keep it in mind that also that if you don't mark Leave on the portal you can't convert it into Leave and get paid for that because without marking your leave online you are absent in the Office...

Now we will visit to the main topic of our post keep reading below we will provide you great information about that....

How to Mark or Fill CL in BIO Metric Online attendance system

First of all keep it is in mind that nothing is impossible because every work is very easy and can be done by anyone but we have to know the processor for that....

Now For marking your attendance you have to ask your department about the link which you have to use for login into it...
Because Government firstly started a web portal with but when Governement thinked about how much employees are working in India then they decided to make every departments sap-rat to each other and every stet's portal also there own and then government made a lot of Sub domains's for that which are used for longing in to your account or online register....

Now before longing into your account you have to ask your official service provider about the Longing url for your id
Like Haryana's Education department uses below url

Now you have to visit to your url and then you have to click on employee login button as shown in the picture below...

Then you have to fill employee Id of yourself and security captcha code of your screen as shown in the picture below...

After that when you fill all the information you have to click on Generate Login OTP as you seeing in the picture below

After that all when you click on Generate Login OTP you will receive a numerical code at your Registered mobile and which was used during employee registration... you have to check your sms and fill the received code into next tabs OTP box and Code which is shown in the image of your system careen and click on Login Button ... as you are gazing in to the screen's picture...

When you click on Login button you will be login to your account and in that you have to have to click on leave button as shown in the picture below...

After clicking on Leave button you will see a Add Leave button very under the Leave button and from it you have to click on add leave button... according to below picture

After clicking on Add leave button you will see many options form that you have to choose CL as shown in the picture...

After that you have to explain in the next box about your leave that you wanna take full day leave or half day leave if you take full day leave you have to choose full day leave as described in the picture below....

After that you will be asked about the date of your leave because when you wanna be on leave you have to describe then in next tow boxes you have to choose date for your leave if you wanna be on leave for one day then fill the date of that day on which you wanna be on leave or wanna be on leave for multiple days you have to choose starting date in first and last date in the second box and then rush to next box as shown in the picture below...

And very next box you have to type the reason of your leave and then hit the Submit button...

If you get a success message in green box then make sure that you have successfully marked CL as shown in the picture below...

if you wanna duly check that you have successfully marked leave or not then click on leave button again and then click on View leave and see your leaves...
as shown in the picture below...

Now you have learnt about how to mark Casual leave if you are an employee in Government sector...

In the end if you face any type of problem in doing anything in this portal then feel free to drop a comment in the box given below and ask your question too....
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How to do work on computer when the left click button of mouse gets damaged?

How to do work on computer when the left click button of mouse gets damaged?

Use mouse | work with single mouse button | one button stops doing work in mouse

Many people keeps asking us question about mouse that their mouse felled from the table and it's one button stopped doing work...and with that many people says that How to do work on computer when the left click button of mouse gets damaged?

So today we are going to providing you answer of this question that how you can use your mouse's left button as right and right button as left....

Now keep reading this article and know that how you can solve this problem and get rid on that...
In this great article we are going to solve your problem that How to do work on computer when the left click button of mouse gets damaged?

Many people has asked us that question so we have decided to provide you information regarding that....

first of all check that your mouse's second button is working properly and you can work without option button....

now decide which button is important to you?

We know both buttons are important to you but most important button for you?

ok you have decided now for getting fully solution for that is that you have to buy a new mouse and if you have to work right now and you can't buy a new mouse then follow the steps which are given below..

First step:-
How to do work on computer when the left click button of mouse gets damaged?
First of visit to start menu (If your mouse button is not working you can use windows key of your key board) as mentioned in the picture above

Second step:-Rush to control panel,
after start menu open control menu (If mouse not working the use arrow and enter key for that) as described in the picture below....

Third step :-

Change settings of mouse buttons,
after visiting to the control panel you have to choose mouse option from all the options if you don't see mouse directly choose by searching in search bar as mouse as described in the picture below....

How to change clicking button of mouse:-
After all the above tasks choose Switch primary and secondary button (If your mouse is not working use tab or hower your mouse on tick button and press space bar from your key board )

after that your mouse working process will change and left mouse button will be change into left and left will be change into right....

after that when you wan't to use options button tick on the right side ctrl and window's middle button..and enjoy...

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How to clean silver jewellery in easy ways

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