Showing posts with label How to decimal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to decimal. Show all posts

How to decorate a biscuit plate for guest

How to decorate a biscuit plate for guest

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How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system?

Today, we are telling you How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system? The base of the hexadecimal number system is 16 and it's uses symbol is 0 to 9 and A to F. Each hexadecimal number having four binary digit. In this system the numeric digit and alphabets both are used to represent the digit in hexadecimal number system. The base of the decimal is 10 i.e 0 to 9. We have learnt many conversion of decimal.We have already study other conversion i.e  How to convert binary to decimal?How to convert decimal to binary?, How to convert binary to octal? and How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary? How to convert octal to binary? How to convert fraction part of binary to decimal? But today we will discuss on How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system? The alphabet and the numeric value of hexadecimal are shown in binary table i.e having four bit digit i.e shown below:-

How to convert from decimal to other conversion?

For conversion of decimal the all procedure are almost same in all conversion. The difference in between only base.Now, we are telling you how to convert all conversion from decimal. 
. If we are converting from decimal (base 10) to other number system such as binary, octal,hexadecimal. then we will divide the integer by in which we are converting the decimal value. For example:- If we are convert decimal into binary then we will divide the integer by 2. And if we will convert from decimal into octal then we will divide the integer by 8 and  if we convert from decimal to hexadecimal then we will divide the integer value by 16.
In fraction part,  If we are converting from decimal (base 10) to other number system such as binary, octal  hexadecimal then we will multiply the fraction part by in which we are converting the decimal value. For example:- If we are convert decimal into binary then we will multiply the fraction part by 2. And if we will convert from decimal into octal then we will multiply the fraction part by 8 and  if we convert from decimal to hexadecimal then we will multiply the fraction part by 16.
Now we are telling you How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system?

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal number system in short way?

For convert decimal to hexadecimal number system the methods is same as i.e used in binary and octal.
. In this conversion, we will use 16 for dividing (For integer part) and multiplying (For fraction part) factor.When we divide the integer we will write the Quotient, Remainder and Remainder in hexadecimal (the alphabetic value if remainder is greater than 9). We will divide the decimal value until the Quotient is not zero. 
For understood this conversion, in briefly we take an example i.e shown below:- 

For understood this conversion, we will give you three step:-

Take decimal value (First step):-

In this step, we will take an integer i.e decimal we will convert it into hexadecimal.We will take an example for understood this conversion i.e (675). You can take any other example and follow these step.

Divide by 16 (Second Step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to divide the integer?

In this step,we will divide the integer by 16 and write the Quotient, Remainder and Remainder in hexadecimal (the alphabetic value if remainder is greater than 9) i.e show in table above. We will divide the decimal value until the Quotient is not zero.

Write result from bottom to top (Third step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to write result?

The result will be write from bottom to top.If we will write from top to bottom then our result will be wrong. In all decimal conversion we will write  result from bottom to top. Our result will be (2A3).

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to convert decimal to hexadecimal?  if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask, you can ask us in the box given below...  
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How to convert fraction part of binary to decimal

How to convert fraction part of binary to decimal?

Today, we are telling you How to convert  fraction part of binary to decimal? The base of binary is two (2) that are '0' and '1'. And the base of decimal is ten (10) that is from 0 to 9. Any decimal number can be converted into binary number. In the binary table, the value of 0 to 9 are define in binary form. From this table we can see the value in decimal form from (0 to 9) and also we can see the value in binary form from (0 to 9). But if we are converting  fraction part of binary to decimal that is don't show in binary table. For this conversion, we will give you three easy step i.e based on example. For understood this conversion we take an example. You can solve any problem to follow three given step.


How to convert fraction part of any base into decimal?

The all fraction part of any base into decimal conversion are almost same, in which only  difference of base. 
In fraction part,  If we are converting from other number system into decimal (base 10) such as binary, octal etc. then we will multiply the fraction part to from which we are converting the value into decimal value with negative raise to power and starting from left to right side and it give in ascending order. If we are convert fraction part of binary into decimal then we will multiply the fraction part by 2 with negative raise to power. And if we will convert from octal to decimal, then we will multiply the fraction part by 8 with negative raise to power and so on. We are giving you an example for understood this conversion (1011001.10101):-
In this conversion, we will discuss only fraction part if you want to result of integer part or how to convert binary to decimal? then click here.

We will give you four step for understood this conversion (.10101):-

For example and complete learning we are taking few binary numbers (.10101) that are like that:- .10101

Take binary numbers (First Step):-

First of all we will take few fraction part of binary numbers as we have mentioned above and below..10101

Give value to fraction part of binary number(Second step):-


In this step we will learn how to give value to fraction part of binary numbers. For learning we have to give value to binary numbers. Which are given from left to right. When we give value then keep it in mind that it's base must be two as given above in the pic. and also keep it in mind that the raise to power of two start from zero with negative value and it give in ascending order.

Multiply in corresponding (Third step):-

In this step, we will learn how to multiply in corresponding. In this step we will multiply base (2) with negative raise to power of binary value in corresponding and do addition of them as given above in the pic.

Addition of solved multiply (Fourth step):- 

We will learn how to addition. In the last step we will addition of solved multiply and determine our answer.

Conclusion (answer):-

We have solved our conversion and our answer is (0.65625).

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhiiiiiiiiiii! We have done!
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How to convert octal to decimal

How to convert octal to decimal?

Today, we are telling you How to convert octal to decimal? This is a conversion. We have already study other conversion i.e  How to convert binary to decimal?How to convert decimal to binary?, How to convert binary to octal?, How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary?, How to convert octal to binary? and How to convert decimal to octal?  The base of octal is 8 i.e from 0 to 7. And the base of decimal is 10 i.e from 0 to 9.
How to convert octal to decimal?

How to convert octal to decimal in short way?
. An octal number can be converted into decimal number or a base of 8 number can be converted into a base of 10 number.
. The conversion from octal to decimal is similar of  binary to decimal or base 2 into 10 conversion. The difference in between (octal to decimal and  binary to decimal) is that the number 8 is used in place of 2 for multiplication in case of integer .

How to convert from other conversion to decimal?

For conversion into decimal the all procedure are almost same in all conversion. The difference in between only base.Now, we are telling you how to convert from all conversion into decimal. 
. If we are converting from other number system into decimal (base 10) such as binary, octal etc. then we will multiply the integer to from which we are converting the value into decimal value with raise to power which is starting from 0 and multiply start from right side. After that we will addition of each part. For example:- If we are convert binary into decimal then we will multiply the integer by 2 with raise to power. And if we will convert from octal into decimal then we will multiply the integer by 8 with raise to power and so on.

Now we are telling you How to convert octal to decimal?

We will tell you three step for understood this conversion.

For understood this conversion, we take an example (400).With the help of example you understood this conversion.

Take octal value (First step):-

In this step, we will take an integer i.e convert into decimal.We will take an example for understood this conversion e.g (400).

Multiply by 8 (Second Step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to multiply the integer?
Firstly, we will multiply the integer by 8 with raise to power which is starting from 0 and multiply start from right side i.e show in pic.

Addition of all part and write result (Third step):-


In this step, we are telling you how to do addition of all part? After multiply, we will add all multiplied part and write result.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to convert octal to decimal?  if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask you can ask us in the box given below...  

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How to convert decimal to octal

How to convert decimal to octal?

Today, we are telling you How to convert decimal to octal? This is a conversion. We have already study other conversion i.e  How to convert binary to decimal?How to convert decimal to binary?, How to convert binary to octal? and How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary? The base of octal is 8 i.e from 0 to 7. And the base of decimal is 10 i.e from 0 to 9.
How to convert decimal to octal?

How to convert decimal to octal in short way?
. An decimal number can be converted into octal number or a base of 10 number can be converted into a base of 8 number.
. The conversion from  decimal to octal is similar of  decimal to binary or base 10 into 2 conversion. The difference in between (decimal to octal and decimal to binary) is that the number 8 is used in place of 2 for division in case of integer and for multiplication in case of fraction number.

How to convert from decimal to other conversion?

For conversion of decimal the all procedure are almost same in all conversion. The difference in between only base.Now, we are telling you how to convert all conversion from decimal. 
. If we are converting from decimal (base 10) to other number system such as binary, octal etc. then we will divide the integer by in which we are converting the decimal value. For example:- If we are convert decimal into binary then we will divide the integer by 2. And if we will convert from decimal into octal then we will divide the integer by 8 and so on.
. In fraction part,  If we are converting from decimal (base 10) to other number system such as binary, octal etc. then we will multiply the fraction part by in which we are converting the decimal value. For example:- If we are convert decimal into binary then we will multiply the fraction part by 2. And if we will convert from decimal into octal then we will multiply the fraction part by 8 and so on.
Now we are telling you How to convert decimal to octal?

We will tell you three step for understood this conversion.

For understood this conversion, we take an example (256).With the help of example you understood this conversion. 

Take decimal value (First Step):-


In this step, we will take an integer i.e convert into octal.We will take an example for understood this conversion i.e (256).

Divide by 8 (Second Step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to divide the integer?

 Firstly, we will divide the integer by 8 and write the quotient and remainder and so on until the quotient is zero (0).

Write result from bottom to top (Third step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to write result?

The result will be write from bottom to top.If we will write from top to bottom then our result will be wrong. In all decimal conversion we will write  result from bottom to top. Our result will be (400).

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to convert decimal to octal?  if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask you can ask us in the box given below...  
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How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary in easy way

How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary:-

Today, we are telling you how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary? As we know that the base of binary is two (2) and the base of decimal is (10) that is from 0 to 9. It’s value are define into binary table. If you want how to convert decimal to binary then click here. We will discuss only how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary. The conversion of decimal to binary are easy as compare to conversion of fraction part of decimal to binary.
In the fraction part, the conversion is done by continuously multiplying by two (2) and keeping track of integer generated. It means that we will do multiply until the result of multiply will be zero (0).   

 For explain this topic we take a example 23.625. We will discuss only fraction part. If you want solved 23 then click here. Now, we are discussing how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary?

We have three step for convert fraction part of decimal into binary?

For solve conversion (fraction part of decimal to binary) we have three step in easy way.

Take decimal value (First step):-

In this step we take decimal  value i.e any example. It is shown in pic:-
 We write only fraction part.The value that write before fraction part, we will solve it Separate from fraction part. Means We will solve separate the both part.

Multiplying by two (step second):-

In this step we are telling you how to multiply by two and when it is done.It is shown in pic. and describe it below:-
In this we take a fraction part i.e shown in first step. and it multiply by two (2). we will do multiply until the result of multiply will be zero (0). It is solve in pic.
. In the first pic we will multiply (0.625 by 2) then our result are 1.250.After that we will remove 1 i.e write before point and take zero.
. Now, our value is 0.250 and we will multiply it by 2 then our result are 0.500.After that we will remove 0 i.e write before point and take zero. 
.  Now, our value is 0.500 and we will multiply it by 2 then our result are 1.000.After that we will remove 1 i.e write before point and take zero. 
. Now we have value 0.000 then we stop our result.

Write result from left to right (Step three):-

In this step.We will telling you how to write result i.e shown in pic:-
We will write result from left to right. If we write in opposite direction then our answer will be wrong. So keep it in mind that it is write from left to right.If we solve in top to bottom then it write from top to bottom.The result are write after point.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! if you have any question regarding this or you wan't to ask any other thing you may ask us in the box given below...
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How to convert decimal to binary in three easy step

How to convert decimal to binary in three easy step?

Today, we are telling you How to convert decimal to binary? The base of binary is two (2) that are '0' and '1'. And the base of decimal is ten (10) that is from 0 to 9. Any decimal number can be converted into binary number. In the binary table, the value of 0 to 9 are define in binary form. From this table we can see the value in decimal form from (0 to 9) and also we can see the value in binary form from (0 to 9). That is showing below:-
 But if we want to convert more than 9 value then we not see it into binary table. So, today we are telling you how to convert decimal to binary? in three step. We are define These three step with the help of example. But before these three step we are telling you How to convert decimal to binary? in short form that are given below:-

Conversion of integer can be obtained by continuously dividing by two (2) and separated the remainder whereas in the fraction parts, the conversion is done by multiplying by two (2) and keeping track of integer generating.

For How to convert decimal to binary? we have three step:-

Take decimal number (First step):-

 In this step we take a decimal number which is convert into binary value that is greater than 9. For example we take 23 decimal number that is convert into binary value.

Divided by two (2) and separate the remainder (Second step):-

In this step, we will telling you that how to divide by two and separate the remainder. We take a value 23 that is convert into binary value.
firstly, we divide the decimal value by 2 and after that we write the quotient and remainder i.e 0 and 1. Till, we will divide continuously until the quotient is not 0. First we divide 23 by 2 and we write the quotient and remainder. After that we will use quotient as a divider continuously until the quotient is zero. 

Write remainder bottom to top (Third step):-

In this step, we will telling you that how to write remainder? 
We have remainder i.e write from bottom to top when we write answer. Many time we write the remainder from top to bottom when write answer but it is wrong. By this our right result will made wrong. So please keep it in mind that result are write  from bottom to top.

YEeEhhhooooooooooooooooo! We have done!
It was very important for computer learner and many one continually asking from us that how to convert decimal-to-binary? now we have discussed that how you can do that and keep it in mind for future and after today don't ask any one even let know others.So keep reading and learning because you are with How to Ans -Don't worry about how to do?
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