How to save any web page as a pdf
How to save any web page as a pdf | How to convert any post into pdf file | How to create pdf file | In google chrome How to save web page in pdf | How to save blog post into pdf
Hello friends , welcome to the and today we will discuss about How to save any web page as a pdf or How to download any web page as a pdf . This topic is very important for everyone and everyone has need to save any web page as a pdf . You can save page's in pdf , how much you need and How much you want to save . Some people think what is pdf and why it required ? Many advantages to save any web page as a pdf . If you are save any webpage into pdf , so you can read that page in future anytime , anywhere . Let consider you are searching any topic at google . That topic may related to your syllabus or related to any other task . Then , first of all what required for search that topic on google , internet connection .You must have internet connection for search your topic in google . Ok , let consider you have internet connection at a time and you did saw the topic on internet . But in future , you may need this topic . Maybe you don't have internet connection that time . So if you save this topic in pdf then you can again read that topic in future without internet connection . Many times happened , you are search topic in google , you have get that topic . but when you will search again that topic you don't get that topic . If you will be save that page into pdf file so you need not search that topic again in google because when you will save that topic it will be download in your pc or laptop . After download that topic you can read that topic in future without internet . If you don't want to save any webpage into pdf file then you can copy the content of given page . But in many website you will not get this option . Because those website are protected , they add some scripting into back end webpage by this you can't copy that webpage . Many times you are open webpage in which your necessary information ,you don't save that page but think we will read this page without save . You can read that page without save but if you want to print that page then you can't print that page . If you have a option of copy in any web page and you want to print that page by copy content . It is a tough task as compare to save as a pdf . If you will copy content then you have to copy in word design that page in word and after that you will print that page . Instead of copy content you should save page into pdf . If you are save into pdf , so you can print of that page easily and read that page anytime without internet connection . So , friends now we will tell you some step by follow these step you can learnt how to save any web page into pdf .
1. Visit webpage link which you want to save as a pdf :-
So friends , first of all you have to visit that web page link in google which page you want to save as a pdf or you have to search topic in google which topic you need in future and you want to save that topic into pdf . When you will search your topic in google then in your front many website will show. You have to open that website and read your information betterly . From in those websites , Anyone website's information you like , that webpage should save as a pdf . How to save in pdf now we will tell you .
2. Press simultaneously ctrl+p :-
So friends , for save webpage in pdf first of all press ctrl+p simultaneously . As you will press simultaneously both key then in your front a new window will be open . In which many option will be given . As shown in picture :
3. Click on change option :-
After press ctrl+p simultaneously , which window will be open in which many option will be given . In that option you have to click on change option . As you will click on change option you will get a new window . As shown in picture :
4. Click on save as pdf :-
After click on change option in recent destination , you get a option save as a pdf . You have to click on that option . After click on this option you will get option save in pdf . You can also copy that content if you want .
5. Click on save :-
After click on save as a pdf , you have to click on save . If you want to save a webpage into pdf . If you want to only copy of content so you can copy that content . If you want to only copy that content then you should not click on save option . When you will click on save option then you can save that webpage into pdf . and after this You have to given name of that pdf file .In which name you want to save that page . and after that where you want to save that page means on desktop or any other place . When you will save page then in left side you have many option for save file . So friends you can read this file in future ad you don't need search this topic in google .
friends . if you don't press ctrl+p simultaneously by any reason let your pc's key be damage then what to do for save as a pdf . So friends for save webpage as a pdf , you can press right click in blank space on that page which you want to save as a pdf and choose print option . When you will be choose print option then a new window will be open in which you have to click on change option . Next processing be same as shown above .