How to know by facebook whom birthday in next month or today?

How to know Facebook friends birthday in coming month or today

welcome friends welcome to how to ans!
Today we are going to telling you something about how we can know and check who's birthday is coming in next month for whom birthday is today so how you can know that all my Facebook profile in a single click so today we will discuss about it that how we can know and how we can celebrate it on Facebook Facebook is a biggest social media network of the world and everyone like it any about every technical person over any educated person has a profile on Facebook now we know we are going to telling you that how you can no who's birthday in this month or in next month so keep following the instructions for get this information because this is very simple and easiest way to know the birthday

if you wish to know who's birthday in next month this month or today so you don't have to do much more first of all you have to login into your Facebook account after that we love we are going to show a link on this post which is very important for knowing who's birthday is next month for this month so below is a link click on it and no before clicking on the link we wish to let you know that how you will be she list of birthday in this when you click on the link you will be taken to your Facebook profile and there you will we see a list of friends which be divided in months so every month has few friends who's birthday in it if you see list of April month then you will see there will be a few friends in your list who's birthday in April so same like that main May month will be also has a list of friends so same time you may know every every months and date birthdays so be with us at how to answer and don't ask anyone how to do what to do because how to answer share to help you out

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