How to play Candy Crush Saga?
We have many types game, In which Candy Crush Saga is one many people play game for time pass and some people have interest into game. When we are free then we will like to play game. The candy crush is a nice game. When we play it then we don't know how to time passed. Somebody can't play it Because they don't know How to play Candy Crush Saga?
So, Today we are telling you How to play Candy Crush Saga? It is very nice and very easy game. We are telling you in simple way that How to play Candy Crush Saga? In Candy Crush Saga we have to clear the level. We can go next level/stage when we clear the previous level/stage.
Now, we will tell you how to clear the level/stage.More level in Candy Crush Saga. In the starting level, it is clear easily but as we move in next level, it make difficult but we will enjoy that level. We will tell you few steps by follow these steps you must play this game.
Levels are two types:-
1. Simple Candy matching and remove it.
2. Remove candy at a specific place.
1. How to simple candy matching and finish candy.
Open Candy Crush Saga:-
In this step, we will open the Candy Crush Saga then we will see write the "Play" onto screen. We will click on "Play" for play game. When we click onto the play then open the level 1 again click on Play.
Open a board of Candies:-
In this step, we will see a full of Candies Board. Onto the screen It show the Target (which we required for win), Moves (In which we have to get target), Score (which point we get).
Matching three or four or five same Candies:-
In this, we will move the candy. We can move only one Candy at a time. We can move one candy, if any three/four/five candies are matching at those place, if its not done then we can't move candy. If we are matching three same color candy then try to match in vertical direction. So as to we have come more new candy.
How to match three candy:-
We can match candy in both direction such as Horizontal and Vertical. If we will match three same candy then these three are finish.
How to make a lining candy:-
If we will match four same color candy then these four make one candy in lining and if we will match it in same three color then it finish a full horizontal line and a vertical line.
How to make a ball full of all candy:-
If we will match five same color candy then it make a round which is full of all color candy it means that we can replace it by any one color then it finish all candy of that color which are present at a time.
How to make a toffee:-
Some times when we will move one candy then three same color candy are matching in both direction (Horizontal and Vertical) by which a toffee is made of that color. We can replace the toffee in lining candy and we can match it in three candy.
Getting target in given moves:-
We have to get target in given move. In simple level means in starting level, we must get target in given moves when we match three or four or five same Candies. Because when we matching the candies for which we will met score and we will win.
2. How to play candy at a specific place.
As we discussed about simple candy and how to clear starting level. Now, we will tell you How to play candy at a specific place or above 5 level. Starting level are clear simply but at above 5 level it difficult to clear these level. We will tell you few steps, with the help of these step you can easily clear these level/stages.
Clear all the jelly:-
First of all, we have to concentrate only on all jelly. When we will open the new stage/level then write onto screen that clear all the jelly but we don't understood jelly. Now we will tell you what is jelly and how to clear it.
What is jelly:- Jelly means the candy which are specified at a particular place. In the level we will see that some candies are shown at a specified place which look into a polythene which are remove by matching same three or four or five candy which are discussed in previous step. But some time candies are show at a white place. For remove candy from white place we will matching same color candy three or four or five candy due to these the candy clear from white place but after that it show into polythene. Now, we will again matching same color candy three or four or five candy.By this the candy will clear from polythene.
How to clear all the jelly:- We called winner or we will go next level if we will clear all the jelly. If we are matching three same color candy then we can't clear all jelly because our moves will finish. For clear all jelly, we should try to matching four or five same color jelly. Because it do bang. When we will matching five same color candy then create a ball which is full all color candy. If we replace it by one then it finish all that color candy by which we replace.
When we have some moves:- If we have some moves then we should try to matching four or five same candy when we replace make by four replace to make by five then thudding on that place and clear all most the jelly. And remaining jelly we can clear by matching three, four or five.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to play candy crush saga? and if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask, you can ask us in the box given below..