How to make mango shake:-
How to make Mango shake:-
We drink many type of shake, In which Mango shake is one. As everyone know that the shake is very tasty. Most of all we drink the shake into juice store. But at many places, we don't want to drink juice because the juice maker are not having dusting and fly are buzzing on the juices and pots. But few juice maker keeps very cleanness in making shake/juice.But we don't go every day at shop then we make shake at home within cleanness and very tasty. By the way we drink many type shake but we will discuss only on Mango shake.
Today, we are telling you How to make tasty Mango shake. Its recipe are very simple.For make Mango shake we don't have to buy anything special from market. We can use things which are present in kitchen. We will tell you some ingredients and how to prepare Mango shake by these steps you can make tasty Mango shake at home.
Ingredients (For four glasses Mango shake):-
It means that what is required for make Mango shake:-
1. Grinder or Juicer or mixer or blender.
2. Pilled Mango (two Mango medium size)
3. Milk (250 gram)
4. sugar (3 table spoon)
5. Chopped Almond and cashew nut
6. Ice (1 tea cup)
7. Ice cream (any flavor)
How to prepare mango shake:-
As we have already discussed what is required for mango shake in ingredients section. Now, we will tell you how to prepare mango shake with the help of these ingredients. First of all we will take Grinder's Jug. We will put pilled into the jug. After that we will put milk, ice and sugar into jug and close the jug by closing tap. Now,we will mesh the mango, milk, ice and sugar via grinder. When it meshed then open the closing tap after that we will put mango shake into glasses and decorate them with chopped almond and ice cream and after that we will serve them. Now , we can drink tasty mango shake and you will be the fan of this tast and never forget the tasty and worlds most healthy drink (mango shake) mango shake.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to make tasty mango shake? and if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask, you can ask us in the box given below..