How to learn trigonometry formulas in easy way and where its use?
Today,we are telling you How to learn trigonometry formulas in easy way and where its use? In the trigonometry, few terms are used i.e easy to learn by "Right angle triangle". The trigonometry is having six function that is based on the "Right angle triangle". The right angle triangle is having three sides:-1. Base (Horizontal line in "Right angle triangle" )
2. Opposite (Vertical line in"Right angle triangle" or opposite of 90 degree )
3. Hypotenuse (In front of 90 degree angle or long line in "Right angle triangle" )
We will tell you a formula, by these formula you can learn all formula in easy way.
We will take B, O, H i.e Base, Opposite, Hypotenuse respectively. We will learn few step for learn trigonometry.
In the trigonometry we will study about sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent. We will learn these function in given order.For first three function we will learn this formula:-
-How to learn trigonometry table in easy way?
-How to learn trigonometry table in easy way?
Write formula based on "Right angle triangle" (First Step):-
We will learn:- OBO/HHB
Sine= O/H, It means that Opposite divide by Hypotenuse. it is value of sine.
Cosine=B/H It means that Base divide by Hypotenuse. it is value of cosine.
Tangent=O/B It means that Opposite divide by Base. it is value of tangent.
Remain three function are opposite of described above three function. we will study remain three function:-
We will learn:- HHB/OBO
Cosecant= H/O, It means that Hypotenuse divide by Opposite. it is value of cosecant.
Secant= H/B, It means that Hypotenuse divide by Base. it is value of secant.
Cotangent= B/O, It means that Base divide by Opposite. it is value of cotangent.
As we have study about sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent. Now we will study conversion of these terms:-
Conversion of term (Second Step):-
In first step, we have learn that the last three terms are opposite of first three term and first are opposite of second term. In the conversion, the second term are also opposite of first three term and first are opposite of second term.
Study some other formulas which are always true (Third step):-
In this step, we will learn some other formulas which are always true. Mainly we have three formulas, but we can create our own formula according to question/requirement.
Study some different formulas of above formulas:-
In this step, we will learn some different formulas that are different of above formulas. These formulas are used when given angle with function.