How to use gas cylinder safely (Gas Stove)

How to use gas cylinder safely (Gas Stove)?

It's a big question which may asked by every women of the world because most of females have to do work on Gas stove and they should know the safety system for using it. Because fire is biggest and harmful thing of the world. Fire is very harmful because of it's dangerous face.
So if you or your any known person uses gas stove and don't know that how to use gas cylinder safely or gas stove safely.
Lets learn that how to use it safely and what type of safe technicians you may take.
According to need we are going to let you know that how to use and keep safe your self when we use gas stove or cylinder.

How to use gas cylinder safely?:-

Expiry date:-

The most important thing is that you have to check before buying a cylinder that your cylinder is un-expired. As every one don't know that cylinders also has a expire date and how to check that cylinder is expired or not. so keep in mind that before buy a cylinder you should check properly.
How to check expiry date of cylinder?

Leak or not?:-

As Expiry date is important for a cylinder Same way Leaking or not leak it is also a very important thing to check before buying and using a cylinder. If your cylinder's gas is leak it is very harmful like a open cylinder because it's gas will leak and start running in the air and after that it can take dangerous shape. So before start using a cylinder you should check that it is in proper condition.
How to check cylinder is leak or not?

How to Off gas stove and cylinder properly:-

Every one know that how to use gas stove but many one don't know that how to use it safely? So when you use your cylinder and complete your work then never off the stove first because it's not good according to safety reasons.
First of all off the cylinder gas from the button of regulator and after few seconds off the stove button. In this condition we will be 50% safe rather than off the stove first.

Service your stove:-

This is also should be done for batter experience of using gas cylinder stove. Because if you Get serviced your stove time to time you never become a victim of gas explosion. So service your stove time to time. One great thing is also very great of servicing of your stove is that. If you get serviced your stove time to time it saves 25% gas rather then without serviced.

Keep far your little hands:-

Always keep it in mind that your little hands we mean to say is that your children which are very little keep them far from gas stove and not only from gas cylinder keep them far from your kitchen and other harmful places.
How to do care of your children?

Original pipe:-

Always keep it in mind that you should always use original pipe on your cylinder for safety of your self. Which pipe is given along with stove by gas cylinder providing company should be used the same pipe and if you get harmed by your gas cylinder you will be claimed.(Because when we buy a cylinder we pay a little amount for insurance of our self also with it) if you are using original pipe which provided by them.

Original regulator:-

As we know that if we buy a cheap thing it means that we are playing with it's safety and for that we should always keep it in our mind that we always use original regulator on your gas cylinder because it has many safety features and it's never out of order easily. So always buy a original regulator or try to buy a regulator from gas cylinder provider office because if we get hurt-ed by your cylinder and you are not using original equipment you won't be claimed of your insurance.

Best and isi marks stove:-

This we have also keep in mind that if we good and well known stove for use on gas cylinder it means we are buying safty with it and it's very batter for every one. So always buy a ISI marks stove because it's very good for you and yours.


As every one don't know but we wan't to tell you that when we buy a gas cylinder it's always bought with a insurance scheme and if we get any type of harm gas cylinder company will pay for it if we are using it properly.

Yeeeeeehooooooooo! we have learnt many safety trick regarding using gas cylinder safely and how to work on gas stove with safety.
After today never worry about it and share it with your love ones if you wan't to be free and make them safe from dangerous things.
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