How to know who logins to your gmail account

How to know who logins to your gmail account?

According to title in the whole world many one search google to know that How to check from where my gmail account was log-ins? | How to Know from which computer my gmail account loginied? | How i can know when , who and from which computer my gmail account was log-in?

As above we have described the question which often asked by the peoples. So we decided to let you know that from which computer and when your gmail account log-in's for how much time it was used.
In this condition you don't have to do much more just log in to your google/gmail account.(Which account's details you wan't) Now just follow the instruction which are given below we are going to provide you a cool how to guide with great pictures and video tutorial.

Log-in To Gmail Account:-

First of all log in to your gmail account. Many time if our internet is slow it takes time to login in this condition we can take few steps for decreasing loading time Know how to reduce gmail loading time?
Or you may try to log in by html way.

How to know who logins to your gmail account?

How to know details of gmail activities?:-

In this step we don't have to do much more if our internet speed is good then we will be opened in Standard view which is shown in the picture below in this we will see many option in the end we see a Details option also if we wan't to know the log in details we have to click on it.


 Html view Details:-

If we are log-in in html view account we have to click on same Details As shown in the picture below.

Log in details of gmail account:-

When we click on Details we will see a new tab in this we will see many ip address with country and so on as shown in the picture below.
In this we will see all times dates and every thing about our account. Now we can see details of it or we can Sign out all other web sessions if we want to log out from every where.(Where your gmail account is open)
Yeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhoooooooooo! we have done!
Which task was very important to us that how we can know the details of login and computers. so after today don't ask anyone that how to know who and when your gmail account was log in.
Give your Valubale answer...

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