How to convert octal to decimal

How to convert octal to decimal?

Today, we are telling you How to convert octal to decimal? This is a conversion. We have already study other conversion i.e  How to convert binary to decimal?How to convert decimal to binary?, How to convert binary to octal?, How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary?, How to convert octal to binary? and How to convert decimal to octal?  The base of octal is 8 i.e from 0 to 7. And the base of decimal is 10 i.e from 0 to 9.
How to convert octal to decimal?

How to convert octal to decimal in short way?
. An octal number can be converted into decimal number or a base of 8 number can be converted into a base of 10 number.
. The conversion from octal to decimal is similar of  binary to decimal or base 2 into 10 conversion. The difference in between (octal to decimal and  binary to decimal) is that the number 8 is used in place of 2 for multiplication in case of integer .

How to convert from other conversion to decimal?

For conversion into decimal the all procedure are almost same in all conversion. The difference in between only base.Now, we are telling you how to convert from all conversion into decimal. 
. If we are converting from other number system into decimal (base 10) such as binary, octal etc. then we will multiply the integer to from which we are converting the value into decimal value with raise to power which is starting from 0 and multiply start from right side. After that we will addition of each part. For example:- If we are convert binary into decimal then we will multiply the integer by 2 with raise to power. And if we will convert from octal into decimal then we will multiply the integer by 8 with raise to power and so on.

Now we are telling you How to convert octal to decimal?

We will tell you three step for understood this conversion.

For understood this conversion, we take an example (400).With the help of example you understood this conversion.

Take octal value (First step):-

In this step, we will take an integer i.e convert into decimal.We will take an example for understood this conversion e.g (400).

Multiply by 8 (Second Step):-

In this step, we will tell you how to multiply the integer?
Firstly, we will multiply the integer by 8 with raise to power which is starting from 0 and multiply start from right side i.e show in pic.

Addition of all part and write result (Third step):-


In this step, we are telling you how to do addition of all part? After multiply, we will add all multiplied part and write result.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! We have Learnt! How to convert octal to decimal?  if you have any question regarding this or you may ask us if you have any other thing you wish to ask you can ask us in the box given below...  

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