How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary in easy way

How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary:-

Today, we are telling you how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary? As we know that the base of binary is two (2) and the base of decimal is (10) that is from 0 to 9. It’s value are define into binary table. If you want how to convert decimal to binary then click here. We will discuss only how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary. The conversion of decimal to binary are easy as compare to conversion of fraction part of decimal to binary.
In the fraction part, the conversion is done by continuously multiplying by two (2) and keeping track of integer generated. It means that we will do multiply until the result of multiply will be zero (0).   

 For explain this topic we take a example 23.625. We will discuss only fraction part. If you want solved 23 then click here. Now, we are discussing how to convert fraction part of decimal into binary?

We have three step for convert fraction part of decimal into binary?

For solve conversion (fraction part of decimal to binary) we have three step in easy way.

Take decimal value (First step):-

In this step we take decimal  value i.e any example. It is shown in pic:-
 We write only fraction part.The value that write before fraction part, we will solve it Separate from fraction part. Means We will solve separate the both part.

Multiplying by two (step second):-

In this step we are telling you how to multiply by two and when it is done.It is shown in pic. and describe it below:-
In this we take a fraction part i.e shown in first step. and it multiply by two (2). we will do multiply until the result of multiply will be zero (0). It is solve in pic.
. In the first pic we will multiply (0.625 by 2) then our result are 1.250.After that we will remove 1 i.e write before point and take zero.
. Now, our value is 0.250 and we will multiply it by 2 then our result are 0.500.After that we will remove 0 i.e write before point and take zero. 
.  Now, our value is 0.500 and we will multiply it by 2 then our result are 1.000.After that we will remove 1 i.e write before point and take zero. 
. Now we have value 0.000 then we stop our result.

Write result from left to right (Step three):-

In this step.We will telling you how to write result i.e shown in pic:-
We will write result from left to right. If we write in opposite direction then our answer will be wrong. So keep it in mind that it is write from left to right.If we solve in top to bottom then it write from top to bottom.The result are write after point.

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