How to convert fraction part of binary to decimal

How to convert fraction part of binary to decimal?

Today, we are telling you How to convert  fraction part of binary to decimal? The base of binary is two (2) that are '0' and '1'. And the base of decimal is ten (10) that is from 0 to 9. Any decimal number can be converted into binary number. In the binary table, the value of 0 to 9 are define in binary form. From this table we can see the value in decimal form from (0 to 9) and also we can see the value in binary form from (0 to 9). But if we are converting  fraction part of binary to decimal that is don't show in binary table. For this conversion, we will give you three easy step i.e based on example. For understood this conversion we take an example. You can solve any problem to follow three given step.


How to convert fraction part of any base into decimal?

The all fraction part of any base into decimal conversion are almost same, in which only  difference of base. 
In fraction part,  If we are converting from other number system into decimal (base 10) such as binary, octal etc. then we will multiply the fraction part to from which we are converting the value into decimal value with negative raise to power and starting from left to right side and it give in ascending order. If we are convert fraction part of binary into decimal then we will multiply the fraction part by 2 with negative raise to power. And if we will convert from octal to decimal, then we will multiply the fraction part by 8 with negative raise to power and so on. We are giving you an example for understood this conversion (1011001.10101):-
In this conversion, we will discuss only fraction part if you want to result of integer part or how to convert binary to decimal? then click here.

We will give you four step for understood this conversion (.10101):-

For example and complete learning we are taking few binary numbers (.10101) that are like that:- .10101

Take binary numbers (First Step):-

First of all we will take few fraction part of binary numbers as we have mentioned above and below..10101

Give value to fraction part of binary number(Second step):-


In this step we will learn how to give value to fraction part of binary numbers. For learning we have to give value to binary numbers. Which are given from left to right. When we give value then keep it in mind that it's base must be two as given above in the pic. and also keep it in mind that the raise to power of two start from zero with negative value and it give in ascending order.

Multiply in corresponding (Third step):-

In this step, we will learn how to multiply in corresponding. In this step we will multiply base (2) with negative raise to power of binary value in corresponding and do addition of them as given above in the pic.

Addition of solved multiply (Fourth step):- 

We will learn how to addition. In the last step we will addition of solved multiply and determine our answer.

Conclusion (answer):-

We have solved our conversion and our answer is (0.65625).

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhiiiiiiiiiii! We have done!
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