How to convert binary to octal

How to convert binary to octal?

Today. we are talking about How to convert binary to octal? Many conversion we have already learnt that How to convert binary to decimal?, How to convert decimal to binary? and How to convert fraction part of decimal to binary? Today we are telling you How to convert binary to octal?  As we know that the base of binary is two (2) i.e '0' and '1'. And the base of octal is (8) i.e from 0 to 7. The binary value of this is shown in binary table.

We can convert binary no. into octal making groups of three bit i.e starting from LSB (least significant bit) to MSB (most significant bit).It means that we make group from right to left. And making group by three bit. If  on MSB side the bit are less than three (1 or 2) then we can add zero. After that we will write the value of that binary from binary table. For understand this we will take an example i.e shown below:-  

We solve example in three step:-  

Take binary value (Step first):-

In this step, we will take a binary value for e.g(111 011 100 001). 

This e.g is only for understanding  How to convert binary to octal? You also take any other e.g but do it according to given step.

Grouping of three bit (Step second):-

In this step, we are telling you how to grouping of three bit.

The grouping are shown in pic. We will discussing of this e.g that are shown in pic. We will start the group from LSB to MSB means from left side to right side. Such as (111 011 100 001). Now, our grouping are completed. We underline it of three bit.

Write value of three bit (Step third):-

In this step we are telling you how to Write value of three bit. It is shown in pic:-

As shown in pic we will write the value of binary i.e conversion of binary to octal. It's answer is (7 3 4 1). After grouping we can write answer from both side it means we can write from LSB toMSB and from MSB to LSB.

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