How to Find downloaded File From internet in computer

How to Find downloaded File From internet | Where we can find downloaded file/items

How we can Find downloaded File From internet | Where we can find downloaded file/items
How to Find downloaded File
Many time we download many things from the internet they are can be in the picture , data , software any form but we face one problem always that we can't download it fully or if we download it then we are not able to find the downloaded file in the computer and after that few question's are come to in our mind that:- Where the downloaded files are gone ? , where we can find downloaded files? , How we can go where is the downloaded file is ? so on many questions are come to in our mind.

This article i writing to inform you that how to and where you can find these downloaded files ?
How to find downloaded files?

This article i'm writing cause in the first few months i also faced same problem and i din't find any accurate article about that and today i decided to help learners.

This is too much now we should directly go to the main subject.
subject is that how to and where we can find the downloaded files in the computer?

We have many ways to find them but we are explaining only three most popular ways only.

First one:-

Direct Downloaded File Finding style/trick
In this way you can go direct from the downloading option under the Downloading browser by clicking on the File and choosing the Show in Folder ( Open File Location ) 

Second One is:-

This way is also a short way for finding the Downloaded files by this way you have to remember the first few words of the file. in this you have to visit to your my computer and then Local disk C and then write the name of the file in the search bar at the top in the right hand side like this in the picture and you will be get success in the finding of the file.

Third One is:-

This is Very Great but long way to find the downloaded file which you lost'd after the download:-

Follow the Given photos for finding the File which is you lost'd after the download and you think'ed about that where is the files are gone.
First of all go to Computer (My Computer)
 Then Enter in the Disk C
 Then Enter in the User
Then Enter to the Folder With your windows name (Ctrl+L to see the name of window)
then Enter in the Downloads folder and all filed which are show in the Folder.
Here the all Problems of your Finding downloaded file is being slowed if you have also any problem you can comment in the given below box we will surly help you... keep in touch for more..
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