How to create favicon

How to create favicon? | How to create favicon for a website or blog?

How to create favicon
How to create favicon

How to create a favicon this is a very big question which is asked by blog or website owner and they wish to add a favicon on their blog or website. So according to requirement we are going to let you know that how to create favicon? so for creating a favicon we have to need a outline of drawing or picture which we wish to use as a favicon on our blog or website.

How to create favicon Video tutorial:-

After these all firstly we have to search Favicon generator in google and choose a website for creating a favicon for website we may choose any of from few favicon generator which are given below...

after that you have to visit to any of favicon generator from given above and you may drow a favicon accroding to your choice or you may upload a picture for creating a favicon for website or blogger blog.
when you upload your picture and you click on generate favicon your favicon will be generated you may download it into your device and use it where you wish to use this favicon...
if you have any problem in uploading this favicon you may know from how to add favicon?
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